Title: A Tale of Paper: Refolded Genre: Adventure – Puzzle – Platformer Works on: Windows (7, 8, 10, 11) Release date: August 19, 2022 Company: Open House Games / Digerati


How to Download & Install: – Paper shape transformations: Jump high as an origami frog! Turn into a paper plane and soar! Discover seven forms, each with its own pros and cons – A small hero in a big world: Overcome challenges, solve puzzles, and escape danger as you journey across beautifully crafted environments – A narrative without text: Explore each level and find hidden collectibles to unveil the heartfelt story behind A Tale of Paper – Discover bonus chapters: Complete the main adventure and unlock three prequel chapters, with a new character, new abilities, and new challenges


A Tale of Paper: Refolded is a puzzle-platformer that tells the story of Line, a magical character made of paper who can use origami to change its shape. Transform into a frog, a rocket, a bird and more as Line embarks on an emotional journey to fulfill the dream of its creator. More info here: https://www.gog.com/game/a_tale_of_paper_refolded

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