Title: Gangland Genre(s): Action – Role-playing – Managerial Works on: Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11) Languages: Audio and text: English Released: March 4, 2004 Company: MediaMobsters / Focus Home Interactive


How to Download & Install: Gangland Gangland is very unique game that combines many different genres. The mix of such a divergent themes works surprisingly well and give the player a vast selection of options when trying to outplay the opposing families. In addition, the developers did an excellent job in creating a gangster movie-like atmosphere with corrupted cops, ruthless mobsters, and deceiving women. This is a game where crime pays – and it pays a lot. – Unique blend of RTS, RPG, SIM, and ‘helluva-lotta’ action – Giant living cities and non-linear event-driven plot – all your decisions have long term consequences – Create your own Family and become the most respected and feared Don in the Country.

One hot night in Palermo, Italy, a terrible fight broke out in one of the streets of the old town. The sound of gunfire, screams, and yelling filled the night air; the next morning Chico Mangano was found, shot dead, on the pavement. A gun was located close to the scene and with the evidence of two eyewitnesses; the conclusion was that three of Chico’s brothers, Romano, Angelo, and Sonny were responsible for the murder; Police began an intensive manhunt to find the three brothers but failed. More info here: https://www.gog.com/game/gangland

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