Title: Gods Will Be Watching: Special Edition Genre: Adventure – Point-and-click – Modern Works on: Windows (Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11) Features: single-player Released: July 24, 2014 Company: Deconstructeam / Devolver Digital


How to Download & Install: Gods Will Be Watching – Set morals aside as you navigate Sgt. Burden and his team through harrowing predicaments and make decisions that will either save your team or sacrifice their lives for the sake of the mission. – Solve a wide variety of narrative puzzles and moral dilemmas using your own wits and burden the consequences of your choices. – Do you intimidate or comfort your hostages to maintain your tenuous control of the situation? Should you kill the weakest member of your party to save on food for the strong? What is one life worth in the face of annihilation? – An innovative departure from the traditional point and click adventure taking place in six intimate, tension-filled scenarios linked together through an epic narrative of interstellar espionage.


Gods Will Be Watching is a minimalistic “point and click thriller” centered on despair, commitment, and sacrifice as players face narrative puzzles and moral dilemmas that will affect both the lives of your team and the people you’re are sworn to protect.Set against the backdrop of an interstellar struggle, Gods Will Be Watching follows Sgt. More info here: https://www.gog.com/game/gods_will_be_watching

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Size: 425.86 MB Gods Will Be Watching: Special Edition (GOG) Old Link/s: Size: 425.86 MB Gods Will Be Watching v2.0.0.1 (GOG)

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