Title: Higurashi When They Cry Hou – Ch.8 Matsuribayashi Genre(s): Adventure – Visual Novel – Mystery Works on: Windows (7, 8, 10, 11) Release date: May 14, 2020 Company: 07th Expansion / MangaGamer


How to Download & Install: Hinamizawa, a small village in the Japanese countryside. While there are fewer than two thousand people there, every year, ‘something’ happens. For the past 4 years, someone has died, and someone else has gone missing. This series of deaths and disappearances is connected to the local resistance against a now-abandoned dam construction project. A murder during the construction, covered up by the local authorities, is being re-enacted year after year. Is it a conspiracy? A coincidence? Or perhaps a curse? Someone who was supposed to be there… isn’t. Someone who wasn’t supposed to be there… is. Someone who was alive last night is now dead, and someone who is here right now isn’t alive. There is no way to avert this tragedy. There is no choice but to give up trying. But even so… please don’t give up. Gameplay Higurashi When They Cry is a sound novel. The music, backgrounds and characters work together to create a world that is the stage of a novel for the user to read. They laugh and cry and get angry. The user takes the point of view of the protagonist to experience the story.

Recommended System Requirements: Operating system: Microsoft Windows 7/8/10 Processor: Intel Pentium 4 at 1.4 GHz RAM: 1 GB RAM Video card: DirectX or OpenGL compatible DirectX: Version 9.0 Free space on hard disk: 500 MB


June 1983. The summer heat came earlier than usual. Cicadas cry during the day, and the Higurashi at night. The narrative is for the most part conducted on behalf of Riki Furude and finally tears the veils off all the secrets and questions that have formed throughout the series. Thanks to Hanyu Furude’s strong tenacity at the end of the previous chapter, she became a character with a physical body. All heroes come together to defeat the villain and smash the fate of June 1983. More info here: https://www.gog.com/game/higurashi_when_they_cry_hou_ch8_matsuribayashi

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Size: 553 MB Higurashi When They Cry Hou – Ch.8 Matsuribayashi [GOG]

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