Title: Jalopy Genre(s): Simulation – Adventure – Managerial Works on: Windows (7, 8, 10, 11) Release date: March 28, 2018 Company: Greg Pryjmachuk / Excalibur Games
How to Download & Install: The rise of capitalism brings an economical conundrum. Scavenge for scraps to make a small return of investment, or become a baron of the open road and smuggle contraband under the eyes of border patrols to make a sizable profit. Developer Greg Pryjmachuk worked on the Formula 1 franchise from 2009 through to 2014. In late 2014, Greg began work on this new driving simulation featuring the fictional Laika 601 Deluxe car; reminiscent of the East German “Trabbie”, it will need much love and care to keep it going on this memorable road trip! • New odometer keeps track of the miles you have travelled • New spray paints available from the Laika dealership to customise both inside and outside of your car • Car manual has been overhauled to improve functionality – check the weight limit of your car to improve your Laika’s performance • Scavenging game mechanic has been expanded so that abandoned crate spawn more dynamically so eagle-eyed drivers such as yourself can be the first to spot valuable parts • New scrap yards added to selected routes – search for spare parts if you can crack the gate • Games menu remembers saved game and creates a background matching the new area to explore and remind you where you are on your journey • Various road conditions, oil spillages and pot holes are just some of the new environmental details which add to Jalopy’s realism • An entirely new tyre system added – players can now better prepare for their trips, with off-road tyres and wet weather tyres affecting grip levels • New music from musician Jeremy Warmsley which can be played on the car radio or from a play list • Authentic license plates
Navigate miles and miles of tyre changing, fuel burning, carburettor busting, mud clattering terrain, through night and day, rain and shine. Adapt to whatever the procedurally generated world of Jalopy can throw at you. More info here: https://www.gog.com/game/jalopy
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Size: 327.9 MB Jalopy v1.104 (GOG) Old Link/s: No old link available at the moment.