Title: King of Dragon Pass Genre: Strategy – Role-playing – Fantasy Works on: Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8) Languages: Audio and text: English Features: single-player Released: November 1, 1999 Company: A Sharp / A Sharp


How to Download & Install: – Each play-through offers hundreds of events combined in a unique storyline for limitless replayability. – Each of your decisions yields its consequences as the saga of your clan unfolds chapter by chapter. – The colorful and imaginative gameworld can surprise you with something new even after dozens of hours worth of gameplay.

When your tribe decided to settle down in the unexplored territories of the Dragon Pass, you knew they would need a strong, uncompromising leader to survive, so you stepped up and claimed the mantle of chieftain. With it came the responsibility of making countless decisions that shape the future of your clan, its neighboring tribes and–in the big picture–the world of Glorantha itself. More info here: https://www.gog.com/game/king_of_dragon_pass

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Size: 577.46 MB King of Dragon Pass (GOG) Old Link/s: No old link available at the moment.