Title: Return to Krondor Genre: Role-playing – Adventure – Fantasy Works on: Windows (XP, Vista, 7) Release date: November 30, 1998 Company: PyroTechnix / Activision


How to Download & Install: Features: – A great story set in the world of Midkemia by Raymond E. Feist with unexpected twists. – Extremely well thought out character development system – Great, atmospheric soundtrack

The story revolves around the disappearance of the Ishapian Church’s most sacred relic, the Tear of the Gods. A band of ruthless pirates – in the employ of Sidi, a shadowy, half-mad sorcerer – attempt to seize the Tear from the Ishapian treasure ship; but in the process, they sink the ship accidentally, sending the Tear to the bottom of the Bitter Sea. More info here: https://www.gog.com/game/return_to_krondor

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