Title: Sam & Max Hit the Road Genre(s): Adventure – Point-and-click – Detective-mystery Works on: Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11) Released: January 1, 1993 Company: Lucasfilm / Disney


How to Download & Install: Sam & Max Hit the Road Based on Steve Purcell’s unconventional cult comic books, Sam & Max will take you on an irreverent road trip adventure that will put hair on your back. Collide with tacky tourist traps and intimidate their bizarre denizens. Help our frightening, furry flatfoots find the fugitive freak! Do it now! – Enjoy edgy animation and twisted humor! – Endless hours of fun playing mini-games like Wak-A-Rat and CarBomb! – Indulge in gratuitous antisocial behavior! – Roadside attractions your parents refused to stop at!

More info here: https://www.gog.com/game/sam_max_hit_the_road

Download Sam & Max Hit the Road Here⇩

Size: 142.47 MB Sam & Max Hit the Road (GOG) Old Link/s: No old link available at the moment.