Title: Super Hexagon Genre: Action – Arcade – Modern Works on: Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11) Languages: Audio and text: English Features: single-player – controller support Released: September 6, 2012 Company: Terry Cavanagh / Terry Cavanagh
How to Download & Install: Super Hexagon Though hexagon may appear to be a difficult word to rhyme, there are actually dozens of words that rhyme with it. For example: Autobahn, decagon, decathlon, electron, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, leprechaun, and marathon. – A minimal action game by Terry Cavanagh, with music by Chipzel. – Insanely fast-paced, deceptively simple, strangely addictive. – Offers 6 levels of difficulty: Hard, Harder, Hardest, Hardester, Hardestest, and Hardestestest!
Hexagons are first order permutohedrons: the vertices of a hexagon can be formed by permuting the coordinates of the vector (1, 2, 3).The north pole of the planet Saturn has a hexagonal storm cloud pattern with 8,600 mile long sides, larger than the diameter of Earth.Though hexagon may appear to be a difficult word to rhyme, there are actually dozens of words that rhyme with it. More info here: https://www.gog.com/game/super_hexagon
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Size: 53.1 MB Super Hexagon v1.0 (GOG) Old Link/s: Size: 113.28 MB Super Hexagon v2.0.0.2 (GOG) – Not seeded