Title: The Westport Independent Genre: Simulation – Point-and-click – Modern Works on: Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11) Languages: Audio and text: English Features: single-player Released: January 21, 2016 Company: Double Zero One Zero / Coffee Stain Studios


How to Download & Install: – Employees with fleshed out character, who will not only react to your actions, but also discuss them with other colleagues. – Receive letters and messages from public figures, rebel leaders, employees and other characters affected by your actions. – Adaptive stories where your actions affect the opinions of the people, which affects what happens in the city, which in turn affects the stories you receive.


The Westport Independent is a censorship simulator taking place in a post-war country, governed by the recently elected Loyalist Party. As the Editor of one of the last independent newspapers in the country, your job is to remove and edit the content of your paper, affecting the people’s opinion from both the rebels and the Loyalist government. More info here: http://www.gog.com/game/westport_independent_the

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