Title: Trap Genesis Genre: Adventure – Visual Novel Works on: Windows (7, 8, 10, 11) Release date: September 18, 2021 Company: No Strike / Eroge Japan
How to Download & Install: Features – Visual novel – Estimated playtime: 2-4 hours
A new universe of traps is here! This is the long-awaited final of the ten-year-old “Trap” series! This is the genesis of a blessed world where Gods, men, and crossdressers can love each other freely! We invite all our readers to immerse themselves in this brand new world, and be lifted to ever greater heights by this, the holy scripture of the Trap series! Finally, the advent is upon us! More info here: https://www.gog.com/game/trap_genesis
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Size: 1.76 GiB Trap Genesis v0911(AllAge)_3 +Unrated [GOG] Old Link/s: Size: 2.17 GiB Trap Genesis v0911(AllAge)_2 + DLCs [GOG]