Title: Uru: Complete Chronicles Genre(s): Adventure – FPP – Puzzle Works on: Windows (7, 8, 10, 11) Release date: June 4, 2004 Company: Cyan Worlds / Cyan Worlds


How to Download & Install: – Beautiful locations with a lot of detail and backstory – Ambitious storyline telling the fate of ancient race

Journey through surreal worlds beyond your imagination and discover the mysteries of the lost D’ni civilization. They were responsible for creation of Linking Books – “gates” to another dimensions called “Ages”. Follow Yeesha, the eccentric daughter of Atrus, to discover the lost secrets, solve puzzles and explore vast worlds. Uncover a brilliant prophecy whose fulfilment is secretly threatened. More info here: https://www.gog.com/game/uru_complete_chronicles

Download Uru: Complete Chronicles Here⇩

Size: 1.94 GB Uru: Complete Chronicles v1.0 hotfix3 [GOG] Old Link/s: Size: 2.76 GB Uru: Complete Chronicles v2.0.0.5 [GOG] Size: 1.95 GB Uru: Complete Chronicles v1.0 hotfix2 [GOG]