Title: Witchaven II: Blood Vengeance Genre(s): Shooter – Action – FPP Works on: Windows (7, 8, 10, 11) Release date: May 6, 1996 Company: Capstone Software / SNEG


How to Download & Install: GET EVERYTHING YOU MIGHT’VE DREAMT OF BACK IN 1996 – Jump, duck and fly in a first-person perspective – Drink powerful potions for strength, invisibility, fire resistance, and more – Use new powerful Medieval weapons: flaming arrows, electric sword, jeweled dagger, and more – Destroy, freeze and stop your enemies in their tracks with your superhuman abilities.

The witches have been destroyed in their lair on the Island of Char! Returning to your homeland, you are greeted with newborn hope, pride, and great celebration. After the revelry, you awaken to a dawn filled with an eerie silence that looms in the still air. Your countrymen are gone! The great witch, Circa-Argoth has taken them to avenge the death of her sister. You have only yourself and your foolish meddling to blame. But, you are not meant to die… yet! Alone in the land that you have fought so fiercely to protect, you must gather your strength and use your anger to fight for Blood Vengeance. More info here: https://www.gog.com/game/witchaven_ii_blood_vengeance

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Size: 191 MB Witchaven II: Blood Vengeance v1.0 [GOG] Old Link/s: No old links available at the moment.